Wednesday, 28 January 2009

The Roof Frame

Now work has begun constructing the roof. This view is from the neighbours driveway. (I've masked out some of our neighbours stuff that appeared on the original image).

Here we can see that some interior walls have also been put up. Since the builders where working when I took the pictures, I didn't want to enter the house.

Here we can see a few pictures of the roof frame that has been constructed over the living room.

This is the view from the grocery store across our neighbour's lawn. Dan the Builder told us that absolutely everybody shopping at the store pause for good look at the construction.

This is a view of the lot from some distance away. I'm standing near the train station looking westwards. In the far distance one can barely make out the Öresund strait which separates Sweden from Denmark. One can also see Denmark, faintly.
In true CSI-style, I used a few "zoom" and "enhance" image manipulation tools on a section of the above picture, making Denmark more visible. (Just to make sure that the country is still there, it is a very small country, after all).

1 comment:

  1. Vilken trevlig blogg!
    Man KAN se Danmark! (A propos min förra fråga)
