Friday 30 January 2009

The Floor Plans

OK, so now we have talked to no end about the kitchen, living room, bathroom, the stairs and so on, but I imagine that it is not very easy to visualize what we are trying to say. So here are the floor plans, slightly spiced up from the construction drawings, in order to make them a little more clear (or so I like to think, anyway).

First we have the ground floor.

And this is the second floor. The lines indicates where the ceiling "folds", and where it reaches full height. It is a one-and-a-half story house, with a 45 degree roof slope - because that is what is prescribed by the local building regulations.

This means that most of the second floor is well below full ceiling height. Near the outer walls it is only 90 cm high (ca 35 inches).

The three bedrooms on the second floor are supposed to be identical. One of the two larger roof windows can be opened up to form a small one-person balcony.


  1. Spännande!
    Kan man se Danmark!

  2. Ja det tror jag, se

    Vi har tagit bilder idag från byggnadsställningarna, utanför balkongfönstret, som bör visa den faktiska utsikten från fönstret, men har inte hunnit lägga upp dem ännu...
