Today we managed to visit when the kitchen was being assembled and installed and took some pictures. The large open cabinet space in the center will later house the fridge and the freezer.
The cabinet to the left of that will have frosted glass doors, with interior spotlights. The cabinets above the windows will have doors that fold open upwards, with glass windows. The kitchen sink will be installed in front of the windows.
(As you can see, I’ve blurred Dan the Builder & Son, only because I think it’s unfair to publish pictures of other people online without asking permissions first. They didn’t ask to be on these pictures.)
The cube in the middle is the kitchen isle, where we have installed an electric outlet, but no water or anything else. It’s storage space, and somewhere to work when preparing meals, and is also designed to have room for two to be able to sit down for breakfast along one side (facing the windows). The other sides of the isle won’t have enough leg room, and will be less useful to sit by.
The open spaces below will house a microwave and a oven. I’ve realized that I have no clue if the microwave we’ve ordered is the kind that beeps a lot. Where I’m currently contracting there are two different microwaves; one older with a “wind up” timer, that simply makes a “pling” when done, and another newfangled digital one that beeps annoyingly for every single press on its many buttons, so it beeps at least four, five times when setting it up, and again when it’s finished. So the newer one manages to be more annoying, complicated and time consuming all at the same time.
Let’s hope our new one is not the annoying kind.
The dishwasher will be in the empty cupboard area right behind the kitchen isle. Fridge, freezer, dishwasher, oven and microwave will all be shining black, by the way. We decided we were really tired of all white machines. I’m not sure about the English term, but in Swedish it’s so ingrained they are supposed to be white that they are even collectively known as “whiteware”.
Regarding the splash of red color above, I have no idea why the painters put it there, really. It’s the color for our clothes cabinet. I can only assume they for some reason tried it somewhere where it would get tiled over later. The stove will be placed between the red color and the oven.
In this case the kitchen will be tiled with light gray glass mosaic, placed where the white paint does not cover, so approximately from the windows to the oven, halfway up the wall.
Since the mosaic is translucent, I assume they will paint some basic white primer wherever the mosaic will go.